Monday 30 June 2014

A shiny new blog!

I'm not normally one for making New Years Resolutions, but this year I actually did. My resolution for 2014 was to open my own Etsy shop by the end of the year.

Last year, I enrolled myself into an evening class making jewellery, which although was quite full-on (far too much heavy duty and expensive equipment involved) it inspired me to try other jewellery making techniques. And so I did. I like to think that I specialise in the cute, colourful and quirky - life is too short to wear boring jewellery!

But, I'm not quite there yet. It's a slow process as I keep finding that I'm missing something crucial or that the only thing I can find that meets my criteria takes 4 weeks to ship from the USA or whatever. So The Bubblegum Palace boutique has not yet been declared open for business. Of course, I could be off making something sparkly and fabulous right now, but instead I've decided to perfect my excellent time-wasting skills and make a contribution to the blogosphere. Chances are this will just end up as digital clutter but I guess you don't know until you try, right?